I relish in this time of year. Something about the heavy snow that falls and
fire that rumbles from the stove. It quiets my soul.
Yesterday was our churches annual Prayer and Praise service.
I look forward to this all year. It’s a time where people from our local body
give praise to God for the way He has moved in their lives. Stories of how God
comforted, healed and was present. How God was Faithful and how He has provided.
Reminders of how God is in control. Our
God, he is good and merciful. HE is trustworthy.
Later in the evening was a pie social and we decorated for
Christmas. The MountainBoys hung lights and played elbow tag with some of their
guy friends.
In the distance sat a group of girls. By the end of the
night they had mustered the courage to ask for the MountainBoys numbers. There
was laughing and flushed cheeks as everyone exchanged text messages and left
for home. Five minutes into the drive up the mountain, I heard the sound of a
text message notification in the back seat.
This unexpected turn of events at the Pie Social had me
I thought back to the young teenage girl I use to be. I was desperate
for LOVE. Always, looking for it anywhere I could find it. Could it be found in
the hand of a young teenage boy? Maybe I could find it in the backseat of his
car. If I let him kiss me, then surely he LOVED me. If I let it go a little
further then he could never leave me. Could he? AND they did. EVERY TIME. The self-destructive
cycle continued for most of my teenage years.
I believe it was the prayers of my friends and their parents that turned things around for me.
By God’s grace I met MountainMan, a good man from the beginning.
Respectful and caring. He never asked me
for anything in exchange. It took many dates before he held my hand or kissed me.
These thoughts while driving the canyon left me desperate
for God. Praying specifically for these girls that were now texting my
I am praying for myself as well. I ache to be a good mother.
When time calls I long to be a good mother-in- law as well. Whether my son
dates a girl for a short time or makes her his wife. I want to make sure I am
loving her. Right where she is at. Trusting that God is all powerful. Letting
the Spirit do its work. Because I am flawed and at times cannot see past skin
or sin. God can.
Believing God is better than sitting in my fear. If I don’t
trust in God, step out of the boat and rest my foot on the Water. I risk
ruining people. Girls. My boys. My future family. So, I take a deep breath and
do it differently than woman in my past. I rest in God. I trust Him with my
boys hearts, minds and souls. I continue to be reminded they are not my
possessions. They are God’s.
I will choose to LOVE these
girls. I will let these experiences grow friendships. AND I will pray fiercely
to God that he will bring peace, gratitude, provision and LOVE into the middle
of my fears.
What about you? Were you terrified when the possibility of
dating arrived with your kiddos? Give me your advice. I need it!!
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