
Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday Favorites {The RollerCoaster Version}

This week was a roller-coaster. Real Uppers and Real Downers.

*Disclaimer*  A gross story is in the next paragraph. If your not up for that, you have a weak stomach or you are at the end of your emotional rope skip to the next paragraph.


Sunday I got news that the original MountainMan in my life PopPop had passed away. He was found outside, the animals had gotten to him. Because this is unusual circumstances, the state took his body to be examined.  I know that sounds so gruesome. Yet, I have a sneak suspicion,  this is really how GrandPop would have wanted it to be. I feel horrible for my Aunt who found him and has to plan his funeral arrangement's as well as take care of his estate. I know personally this is no easy task.

A sweet baby girl was born this week. Gorgeous, just like her mama.

Time is not allowing me to be a Doula for anyone. I missed this special birth. 

My passionate friend found her voice. 

It left others speechless. Still others with too many words. There was pain generated. It didn't open doors. It closed them. 

An incredible prayer was answered. There was victory. I was praising and dancing all day. Healing that could have only taken place by God's hand. 

I found myself chasing my tail with Kairos. Spending time on checklist's that do not exist.

Kairos opened up enrollment!! Our Facebook is up and running. Our lease should be final by next week.

I learned all about RFP's and the importance of doing it right. I reconnected with a great business mentor and this school is going to open this year... Even if it kills me.

DOWNER: LOBSTER and child are missing again. Will you join me in prayer?

Our new home church is redoing some flooring in the sanctuary. It is really needed. Our church building sets on the main street in Springville,Ut. It is well known in the community and is a stomping ground for the people of Springville. Each month we have something called Saturday Grace. This is where food and clothing is handed out for FREE to ANYONE who may be in need. So, as you can see that floor get's really used. It's such a tiny budget. I think if everyone gave $15.00 bucks we could reach it really fast. Wanna help out? Click on the picture and it will take you to a link to give. 


So many posts and rants and rage filled words on Facebook. From a lot of my brothers and sister's in Christ. All over some hiring policies. It left me grinding my teeth. I had a lot I wanted to say. I have a personal belief that you keep your mouth shut when your angry. Mull it over and then speak out of love. {This was a VERY hard lesson for me to learn. I like to flap my gums, wag my finger and move my head back and forth when angry} The words were not coming in a loving manner this week. I choose to keep my mouth shut. However, I feel this post summed up. It's my only reading material for this weekend. I challenge you to mull it over. Choose to love. Put down your pride. Say your sorry. OR choose to forgive and let go.


DID YOU ALL SEE JIMMY CARTER THIS WEEK? - I will be picking up his latest book

This weekend I am attending a celebration for 35 years in ministry. Me and MountainMan get to dress up a little fancy and enjoy some desert.

Next Friday I will be guest posting over at Just One Of The Boys. I am skeeered!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!


  1. Misti-I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, and the situation surrounding it.

    I love reading your weekly wrap up! It always encourages me to be more transparent.

    I'm looking forward to reading your post at One of the Boys!

  2. Jacqui!! How are you? Thanks for reading. I have been thinking of yo often lately.

  3. I am so very sorry to hear about the loss in your family... I'll be remembering your family in prayer. *hugs*

