This is where my thoughts are. My heart aches over somethings that when on in my neck of the woods this week. It all comes down to LOVE. If I am not doing things in LOVE, then it's ALL a waste. A noisy gong. If I am pointing fingers and criticizing... I am not really loving you. Tough lesson for me to learn.Time to make wrongs right.
Maybe you saw this on lots of sites yesterday. Maybe you were apathetic or tired of seeing it. I am sad to say it's real. Yet, knowing and raising awareness is not enough. We have to do something.
I am guilty of just pass info along. I use to think, "What can I do?" This year I made a resolution that I would not share information on my facebook page, pin on my Pinterest page or post on my blog unless I am supporting the organization in some way.
I may not be able to be in a 3rd world country saving children, or women or men from slavery. I can do my part here and be aware of the laws I support, the politicians I vote for. Conscious of where I tell my money to go.
In all honesty us Christian's are "blessed" right? We should be sharing and changing the world around us. This post made shake my head in agreement.
On a lighter note. The gangsta in me could not stop laughing at this Jimmy Kimmel and Justin Timberlake recap.
These two local artist's had me dancing around for most of my mornings. Click on their pictures and you to can jam while putting your make-up on!
This was my very favorite blog read of the week:
Livesay Blog |
This was my favorite Instagram of the week:
My big plans this weekend consists of a Latin Expo. It ends with a big Awards Gala where Kairos will be mentioned!! Getting a hold of an architect and contractor. I am hoping some of my Saturday will allow me to lay around and read the Devil in the White City and Stephen King's thoughts on the craft of writing.
Remember folks :
Go out and make a difference right where you are. Do better then you did yesterday.
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